Hi, I'm


I'm a web developer

I'm Iaroslav G. Zhbankov

I enjoy making people's lives easier by creating intuitive web interfaces. My coding journey began in mid-2014 and I've now completed over 1,700 hours of study.

I'm energetic and self-motivated engineer with a strong desire to build a career within the IT industry. Proactive and self-motivated team member. Motivated to drive the success, have a good organizational skills. Problem solving. High degree of learning skills. Ability of multitasking working under high pressure.



Dr. Iaroslav G. Zhbankov

Phone Number: +38 095 146 55 91

E-mail: yzhbankov@gmail.com

Skype: iaroslav.zhbankov

Want to get in touch with me? Be it to request more info about myself or my experience, to ask for my resume, tips on how to solve your sudoku, random questions about the universe and the meaning of life, or even if only for some nice Fika here in stunning Toronto... just feel free to drop me a line anytime.

I promise to reply A.S.A.P.

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